Earn $1000 by Creating AI Animation Videos

Earn 1000$ by Creating AI Animation Videos

foreign videos and animated story videos gets tons of views literally millions of views you can take the same concept by creating a YouTube channel focused on just that and grow insanely fast and make thousands of dollars in passive income for years to come and with AI at our fingertips it's easier than ever to create animation videos like these in minutes I have divided the process in six steps each step is very important so make sure you watch till the end and don't skip anything let's get straight into it 

Step 1 generate script using chat GPT we will ask Chachi PT to write a script for a kids educational video introducing them with elephant video length two minutes awesome we have our script now 

Step 2 generating the voiceover for this step we will use 11 labs paste the script that you just generated using chatgpt select the voice of your choice and hit the download button hey there air Young Explorers Welcome to our wild world of animals today we are going on an exciting journey to meet one of the most magnificent creatures on the planet the elephant you can also use muff AI which is one of the best in business and most importantly it has kids voices if you click on languages you might see that there is an option called English kids here's how they sound I can narrate children's books [Music] or child's voice in mush Studio you can use my narration to make cute voiceovers that are relatable to young kids like me it makes a huge difference to use kids voices as your content will really resonate with the kids and they will enjoy a lot try it out for yourself you will find a link of all the tools I mentioned in the video description 

Step 3 background music first option for your background music is YouTube's own audio library as there are plenty of options there for someone who is just starting out another good free alternative is mix kit it has plenty of free music that you can use on your YouTube videos without any attribution I personally have used music from this website in my videos and have never faced any issues last and most popular option for a lot of creators is epidemic sounds if you want really unique and best music for your videos this is the way to go without a doubt it is not free but it's a small investment that will pay off big you can use the link in my description to get your one month free trial of epidemic sounds 

Step 4 making animated characters we will use a free animation maker Adobe Express for creating our animated characters click on make animations for YouTube now choose a character of your choice there are a lot of options to choose from then click on background scroll down all the way to the bottom and select custom color we will select greens so that we can remove the background using green screen then click on size and select YouTube now click on choose an audio file and select the first audio that we generated in previous step it will start generating our video once it's done download the video now repeat this step for all the audio files that you generated in previous step hey there young explorers Welcome to our wild world of animals 

Step 5 creating animated background we will use another free tool called canva to create our animated background once you create a free account you will see this screen click on create a design and type video now click on uploads and upload all voiceover files that we generated in step 2. now we will generate different backgrounds for every audio our first audio is 16 seconds long so we will click here and make our video 16 second long now click on first audio and it will bring it on our timeline then we will go to elements and search for a nice background for our video click on the one you like to add to our video and then click on more and set image as background now let's add some animated trees to make it more lively then I will search for elephant and add the one that I like after listening to the audio I decided that I want the elephant to appear on the screen around the 10 second mark for this I will click on the three dots above the elephant and click on show timing and now we can drag this slider to the 10 second mark now select the elephant and click animate canva allows you to create your own animation in seconds just click here on create an animation and drag the elephant towards any direction you like and we are done since this is an intro I will add a text as well let's look at how it turned out today we are going on an exciting journey to meet one of the most magnificent creatures on the planet the elephant that's beautiful now repeat this step for all the voiceovers and change the elements accordingly for example in next audio we are talking about elephants trunk so I will make sure you highlight the elephant's trunk in that part 

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Step 6 creating final video for this process I am going to use cap cut it's completely free you can use any video editing software of your choice create a new project and import all the files that we have generated now click on the first background video file and drag it on the timeline then take the first character video file and drag it on timeline as well make sure the character video file is on the top layer as it is going to be our foreground now since both files have audio we will mute the audio from one file to remove green screen select a video with green screen then select cut out and click on chroma key now click on the Color Picker icon and then click on green color over here now increase the strength and you will see the green screen start to disappear now you can resize the character and put it wherever you want on the screen I added little animation as well to the character now repeat the same process for all the files that we have generated and your final video will be ready let's see our final result hey there young explorers 

Welcome to our wild world of animals today we are going on an exciting journey to meet one of the most magnificent creatures on the planet the elephant elephants are some of the biggest animals on Earth this long flexible nose is called the trunk elephants use their trunks to drink water and scoop up yummy food it's like having their very own magical superpower now check out their fantastic years elephants have big ears these years help them stay cool in the hot weather these long pointy teeth are called tusks they are not only cool looking they are super useful too elephants use them to protect themselves from danger 

it's like having their very own superhero weapon so there you have it adventurous learners elephants are simply amazing with their incredible size magical trunk big ears and mighty tusks keep exploring keep learning goodbye little adventurers see you next time if you enjoyed this video don't forget to smash that like button feel free to reach out in comments 

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